River Rescue Workshops & Courses
The NZRA rescue workshop is made up of the Rescue Course, Skills testing day and Workshop day.
These workshops are an essential part of being a river guide in New Zealand and have set industry standards, boasting one of the most recognised qualifications over the world.
About Our Workshops
River Rescue & safety is an essential part of the New Zealand river industry.
NZRA holds two River Rescue Workshops every year, one in the North Island and one in the South.
Guides who are attempting to get their initial guiding qualification require a 5 day workshop.
Already qualified guides require a 3 day refresher.
Senior Guides are required to attend a Rescue Workshop at least once every 3 years.
The course component (two days) is designed for new guides, and the workshop component (three days) is for qualified guides wishing to brush up on various skills or renewing qualifications, and those gaining new qualifications.
Workshop Outline
NZRA River Rescue Training
Pre-requisite to training course. Equipment as per list.
The last day of River Rescue Training works in with the rescue workshop allowing those who demonstrate competency to continue on and complete the workshop as well.
NZRA River Rescue Workshop
Pre-requisite to workshop: Equipment as per list. All participants will be required to show their personal skill level to be of a standard measurable against the new River Rescue US 26513 before continuing on with workshop.
Work stations may include (but not limited to):
First Aid & Medical considerations
Other platforms ie: safety kayakers, river boarders, victim and gear retrieval
Olympic type scenarios – debriefing
Whitewater swimming & shallow water techniques
Throw bagging
Boat rescue skills
Knots and anchor systems
Tensioning systems and mechanical advantage
Training standards
River hydrology and hazards
Personal equipment
Technical and group equipment
Assessing risk & Managing an incident
River Communications
Foot/body entrapments
Tethered rescues
Flips, rights and crew/client recovery
Boat pins and wraps
Tethered boat techniques
Victim/casualty management
Workshop or Training ONLY (3 days)
$525 incl. gst (NZRA Member*)
$650 incl. gst (Non NZRA Member**)
Training and Workshop (5 days)
$800 incl. gst (NZRA Member*)
$1050 incl. gst (Non NZRA Member**)
Membership - $23.00
* It's recommended that overseas guides attend the Training & Workshop to become aware of requirements for NZ Raft qualifications. Overseas guides should register as a Member as they are working in the industry.
** Non NZRA members are those that are not working in the river industry.
Included in Fees
NZRA Membership fee
All rafting equipment (excluding guides personal gear)
Lunch - (Accommodation, breakfast and evening meal will be at participants own expense)
Facilitation/Instruction and First Aid Refresher
Minimum Required Gear List
Prussik x 2
Caribineers – locking x 3
Throw bag
Flip line – minimum 4 metres webbing with carabiner Helmet
Appropriate Cold Water Clothing (drysuit/drytop/drypants/wetsuit etc)
For those participating in the Training, some equipment is available for purchase but please let us know when registering what you may require.